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World FinTech Forum 2016

The ‘World Fintech Forum 2016 Seoul’ will be held at the Korea Exchange (KRX), Seoul, Korea, during June 2nd & 3rd, 2016, with the main theme of “The Future of Money: From Analog Money to Digital Money” with a subtitle of “The shapes and the flows of money”.

‘Money’ has been used by mankind as a means to store value as well as a means to exchange goods for thousands of years and it will continue to stay around mankind. However, as time changes and the technology advances, the shapes of the currency and how the currencies are exchanged – the infrastructure – has been evolving continuously.

Through ‘FinTech’, a new industry created by combining ‘finance’ and ‘technology’, our mankind once again will experience various new shapes of money and many innovative ways to exchange money through new infrastructure.

The first of its kind, ‘World Fintech Forum 2016 Seoul’ will gather experts of FinTech from more than 16 countries around the globe in the capital of Korea and will share the latest knowledge, business model and the regulations and support policies of different governments around the world on how the existing analog money has been transforming into the digital money, and how the infrastructure of the money exchange is going through an innovation and how the shapes of the money will look in the future.

The Forum will provide an in-depth knowledge for the FinTech industry participants, and intriguing information on the latest ‘currency economy’ for the general public and the consumers of money.

The Forum is Officially Supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MISP) and the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of the government of the Republic of Korea as well as Korea Exchange (KRX), Korea’s leading public stock exchange. The event also is driven by its Official Partners; Korea FinTech Forum, Silicon Valley Forum, Korea Mobile Finance Forum, Korea CFO School, Open Source Promotion Association, Finance ICT Convergence Society, K-OTC Business Association and The Blockchain Forum.

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